Yet another rule topic

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Misty »

All of those reasons you listed are that the information the minimap provides is too useful, making things easier than they otherwise would be. This has never been a criterion for rules - despite your point about texmod being nowhere near as OP, it still provides more information than the unmodified client, and nobody is asking for this to be banned. So providing additional useful information is within the spirit of GWSCR rules as they have always been, and if we want to talk about banning things that make things too easy, maybe we should ban voice chat programs, glitch spots, Shadow Form, con sets, max armour... why do you draw the line in between texmod and the minimap?
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Marcin »

I mean if you cant tell the difference between toolbox minimap and a normal default compass with spirit range...

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Ether »

Marcin wrote: P.s- The mods already agreed upon the decision to ban this, all mods besides of course the creator wanted to prevent usage of this in records. Anyway its pointless to remind you of this since you guys decide to be rebels and still ignore this stuff.
Has did say it shouldnt be allowed in records yes, but only parts of it. He did agree that some things such as spirit range and targetting shouldnt be allowed, but if all of the functions were disabled, and just the texture overlay was there would you agree that to be legal?

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Skunky »

Just gonna leave my opinion here even though nobody cares <3

I agree mostly with marcin, except that if you ask me it should be 1 step further:
Imo we should go back to only permitting things that can be done or seen in the unmodified game. So that includes all stuff like poppping pcons. Meaning the spirit range on your own map should also be forbidden if you ask me, but nobody will agree cause all you bunch of noobs cant play without spirit range <3 But I just think this is the only way that we can draw a clear line between whats permitted and whats not.

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Misty »

Skunky wrote:Just gonna leave my opinion here even though nobody cares <3

I agree mostly with marcin, except that if you ask me it should be 1 step further:
Imo we should go back to only permitting things that can be done or seen in the unmodified game. So that includes all stuff like poppping pcons. Meaning the spirit range on your own map should also be forbidden if you ask me, but nobody will agree cause all you bunch of noobs cant play without spirit range <3 But I just think this is the only way that we can draw a clear line between whats permitted and whats not.
That's what the [pure] category is for, and NOBODY has submitted a [pure] record yet. Perhaps not enough people know about the category? If you submitted any complete elite area run following [pure] rules, it would automatically be a record, regardless of the time, simply because nobody's ever done it before. Personally I would be up for such a run, and I'd love to see that category being more active. Hell, if it was what people in general wanted, I'd see no problem with abolishing the "standard" category and just having [pure] and [TAS]; all current records would be classed as [TAS] then. However, it seems most of the community just want the version of the rules that suits them to be "standard", without regard to how much sense it actually makes for auto pcons to be allowed while insisting on banning ALL features of the TB minimap...
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Nika »

Ever since the coindrop update we stopped having standards.
Our rules since then are catered towards "what the community is most confortable with".
Actually that's always been the case, or why was [Zraw]s 14min Uw not the alltime record for a long time? was just different party size who cares.

The only decision that has to be made is what can we accept the most? What middleground can we find?

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Misty »

I think by the time GWSCR rules were firmly established and the controversy of Zraw's record had died down, it had already been beaten by DS, so that's why that was never really accepted, although if I recall correctly it WAS on the original table as the 14-man record.

We are never going to find a set of standard rules that don't piss off a huge portion of the community, not least because so many people can't be bothered to read or post on GWSCR, and still get salty when a decision doesn't go the way they hoped. The only logical recourse is to have [pure], [TAS], and nothing in between; that would upset almost everyone, but at least it would be fair! xD
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Flo »

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by haskhasin »

You forgot the part when Nika added the no-minimap rule without saying anything to anyone.

When you proposed the rule change, I argued that the vote was meaningless since the mod team is not a representative set of the community and we're here to enforce rules, not make them. Noone argued against that. ( ... 8&start=20)

Then I actually updated the rules because noone else was going to, and I documented the change. Again noone argued against the change. (

And now you're making a big fuss on how nika removed your beloved minimap ban? I'm glad changing the rules without saying anything is only wrong when you don't like the change.

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Re: Yet another rule topic

Post by Flo »

Thats so much bullshit again. Let me tell you why I think you re waaaaay to easy on yourself.
haskhasin wrote:You forgot the part when Nika added the no-minimap rule without saying anything to anyone.
Like you should ve done in the first place. It didnt even come to my mind that you would leave that out - on your own accord, without accepting the majoritys decission.
haskhasin wrote:When you proposed the rule change, I argued that the vote was meaningless since the mod team is not a representative set of the community and we're here to enforce rules, not make them. Noone argued against that.
Now, it can be argued that the majority of mods I am speaking of wasnt accepted by you. Doesnt fucking matter, you had the responsibility to execute on that.
If you ve concerns, voice them and describe how a truly representative system (from the inception to the contribution to the ideas to the selection of the voters to the vote itself is going to look like). Thats obviously the ideal system.
haskhasin wrote:And now you're making a big fuss on how nika removed your beloved minimap ban? I'm glad changing the rules without saying anything is only wrong when you don't like the change.
Dayum man, theres a huge difference between not noticing you manipulating a few lines in the transcript of the rules we agreed to in contrast to intentionally lieing and pushing his own agenda?

Why cant people be fucking listening?
I ll repeat myself over and over again if its necessary: I ve no problem with rules that dont match my own oppinions. If you want to propose a voting system thats representiative, sure, lets go. But then again, everyone should have the chance to do so, else it would be the evil mods "forcing" something again.

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