Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

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Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Shade »

Saw there was not a current meta time of solo for this, and felt like playing on my ranger at 1 am, and thought I would put a record for solo.

Here are the screen shots. It is an album of 3 pics; start, before 2nd floor (not needed but took anyways), and finish.

My upload speed is a solid 0.3mbps, will take probably until tomorrow morning to finish uploading, but will add the video when it finishes.

Edit: Okay video is finally uploaded, sadly I decided to test out the toolbox's borderless window and it cut off the bottom part of the skills and a bit of one of my weapons.. which looks annoying but at least it didnt cut off anything completely. ...
Last edited by Shade on Fri May 26, 2017 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Befi »

gj, waiting for the video :)

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Ether »

nice to see new faces

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Shade »

thanks. yeah its been uploading for 12 hours now and is at 85%. I am going to try and beat it but cant do anything until it finishes uploading. Does it need the video before its approved?

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Befi »

normally records will be approved after like 1week, so ppl in the community are able to discuss about it or other stuff
the video shouldnt be required in this case, but im not a admin, we will see :-)

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Shade »

cool, it will give me time to try and beat it or at least make a better video xD

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Nika »

Time for [NoU] to join the record alliance! pm "Nika Iz Back" for invite

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Re: Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar 6 min [NoU]

Post by Nika »


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