Nika's Proposal

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Vivec »

Can I has normal name colour back?

It's helping no one to just rush into things now. Apparently we got some new mods and decisions like that could be made in a mod meeting first and then maybe be discussed by the community. But no, lets just shitpost 200 times until no one cares about the idea itself anymore but just shitposts.

So how about our "higher power" Nika just calms down a bit and waits until sunday?
So how about our other "higher powers" do the same?
So how about our "higher powers" don't just throw random shitposts at ppl "just because their name went green all of a sudden"?

Seems hard, I know.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Karia »

If your post is nothing more than an idea then dont sell it like its alrdy a fully determined fact. Also the problem is that you try to fix two problems at the same time, second based records AND non TAS runs.

Mods cant act like they are !!!!!!!THE HIGHER POWER!!!!! - nope, its still up to the majority of the community what rules they want to have and if something like an additional section for records is necessary they will help you with your idea. You have to go the way to force discussions and gather opinions and do what a "moderator" is in its actual meaning: someone who is leading an ongoing discussion and make both sides heard and get to a conclusion.

Anything besides that you make a fool out of yourself if you act like you are something better than anything else than another opinion.

I would agree on an extra section for completey tool-free records with video requirement(what id like to see for all records btw) regardless who comes up with that idea, but not this second based bullshit.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Nika »

Karia wrote:If your post is nothing more than an idea then dont sell it like its alrdy a fully determined fact. Also the problem is that you try to fix two problems at the same time, second based records AND non TAS runs.

Mods cant act like they are !!!!!!!THE HIGHER POWER!!!!! - nope, its still up to the majority of the community what rules they want to have and if something like an additional section for records is necessary they will help you with your idea. You have to go the way to force discussions and gather opinions and do what a "moderator" is in its actual meaning: someone who is leading an ongoing discussion and make both sides heard and get to a conclusion.

Anything besides that you make a fool out of yourself if you act like you are something better than anything else than another opinion.

I would agree on an extra section for completey tool-free records with video requirement(what id like to see for all records btw) regardless who comes up with that idea, but not this second based bullshit.

I agree that these are two totally different things, but most people who mentioned these ideas mostly stood in for both. It was often stated that second based records would increase competition and that's why it's superior - so testing the whole thing as i proposed would give results on weither this statement is true or not. Tas or not tas i just a question of do we want it or not.
The way i sell my ideas is totally irrelevant and everybody that knows me should know that i enjoy comming of as arrogant and to exaggerate things, one could say as a way to express my humor, but apparently some people don't like it. Can't help it that i don't have a stick in my ass and have to shit myself with sincerity.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Karia »

"Im just acting like im arrogant hurr durr"

If you want ppl to take your opinion serious you should leave childish behaviour beside for that moment and give us a reason to take you serious.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Vivec »

The way i sell my ideas is totally irrelevant
Sadly, that is wrong.
For a "normal" member of this community this way of proposing ideas would be totally fine, as they do not actually have the power to just "make it so". But as a mod who has that ability, it is not a good way of proposing stuff.

Regardless of that and to get back to the idea in general:
I fear that "just" introducing second based records (for which existing time measurement tools for speedruns like livesplit could quite easily be used so mods don't have to "calculate" on their own, just verify the correct measurement of the time itself) would not really increase the activity here.

We would maybe get some new post when there is an area where people can get a few seconds out of it a few times, and then it will be the same as before because people need time and practice to come up with new and faster strats that save a reasonable amount of time before grinding for lucky runs. Which is exactly the situation we have now. It would minimally increase the activity and then resolve back to the status quo.

But if second based timing would be introduced and on the same time we could do something like a leaderboard style for "active" areas (so not for every dungeon and mission, if there's enough competition that can still be done later) so people can submit their runs even if it is no "World Record" just to have their personal best times recorded and displayed on THE speedclearing leaderboards for GW.

In my opinion that might motivate a lot more people to actually use the site and it is similar to other speedrunning communities where a "new" player will never have the chance to beat the existing world record in a few months which is the same for this game here.

The only problem I see with this is that we do not focus on solo runs so we would need to list it as like "guild pbs" or personal ones which would result in up to 8 (12) redundant entries for a full party run.

IMO that is a lot more interesting than just changing to second based timing or whatever and I'd like to see your opinions and possible solutions to the problems if you agree.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Cruz »

Vivec wrote:But if second based timing would be introduced and on the same time we could do something like a leaderboard style for "active" areas (so not for every dungeon and mission, if there's enough competition that can still be done later) so people can submit their runs even if it is no "World Record" just to have their personal best times recorded and displayed on THE speedclearing leaderboards for GW.
Good idea! You could limit the leaderboard to around 10 entries and keep one entry per team (or decide how many players have to be different if one isn't enough).

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Befi »

i have one question.
where is the problem?

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Misty »

PB tables certainly sound interesting, but do you guys really want all that extra work? Maybe I'm too used to not much getting done around here, and that'll be different with more mods, but before you take on more, ask Nika how he feels about mission records...
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Nika »

Misty wrote:PB tables certainly sound interesting, but do you guys really want all that extra work? Maybe I'm too used to not much getting done around here, and that'll be different with more mods, but before you take on more, ask Nika how he feels about mission records...
People argue that it would make the community more active, more competition. That's why i think of it as a test, how it does vs the things we got atm. If the test fails we have an inactive table with a few Post a year, that's handleable esp. with 5 mods. If it is a wide success then we actually have to think about overhauling our current system.

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Re: Nika's Proposal

Post by Misty »

Right, and do you really want to overhaul the system just so everyone from BoMB can have their personal best SoOSC time on the table? Don't misunderstand me - I actually really like the sound of this idea, but it needs some very careful implementation to work. Consider not only the increase in activity to GWSCR, but the effect on people's behaviour in casual runs - will a bunch of players be tryharding to improve their personal best, and if so will this have a positive or negative impact on the community?

In response to the original post: I am absolutely against all of this. TAS vs no TAS won't solve anything, because those of us who like the current ruleset will not want to accept hacks becoming legitimate, and not everyone in the no TAS camp will agree on a standard of what's acceptable e.g. is it okay to push through doors, glitch enemies on terrain etc? How would they have dealt with manual coin drop? All of these questions require a mature and reasoned debate, so we can just do as we've always done and come up with a unified set of rules for everyone.
As for seconds-based records... well, personally I like the tradition of using the /age because it's something Guild Wars gives us, and gives us something special for our community compared to other games. I can see the merits of more accurate timing, but until we reach a consensus on this thread, and you make a rule for videos to be required, talking about seconds is fruitless.

For the people who got upset at Nika for posting this the way he did... remember that he does a very good impersonation of an idiot, but it's nice that he opened the discussion to the community so you guys actually have something to talk about on Sunday, instead of just trying to guess what we would think! Good luck coming up with a solid idea that will improve GWSCR, and thank you all for the work you're doing to make it happen.
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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