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Re: Barathbug

Post by Jang »

i think what nika said about not moving only applies to certain foes which are super slow on starting to attack you such as titans but whatever thats not the point
If using this is not fun to you then simply don't use it. Don't act as if everybody would come up with new records now. It will still be the same players just the times will be different.

I gotta say I really liked thedhuum glitch comparision because its exactly the same thing. You make a foe stop using his skills by using a bug to safe time. Yet nobody complains about that. Glitching skeles in pits is kind of a "no-skill-solution" too. You are to weak to kill them so you find a way which makes them not attacking you anymore. Whether you have to click a mini for that or click hos is not a huge difference.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by hudini »

In almost every area scrolling is saving more time(the exception is solo records). if you say using this glitch means u have less skill u probably didnt test it, u need to change the way u do the run to fit the glitch just like people did in the past with scrolls. Tactics are changed to accommodate the glitches because at the end of the day u are trying to get the fastest time. If u used stuff like ghosts for lava font or u glitch dhuum(super gamebreaking btw) then u did what u had to in order to make the run faster. What if stupid lava font shit is intended AI, you dont know cause anet didnt respond. Dhuum is not intended to get stuck on a summon, just like minipets shouldnt glitch SOME monsters from casting skills. But it does, u can choose to abuse or not to abuse I dont really care but u cant argue that its any different from any glitches in the past that I'm sure 99.9% of u have already abused. The only example I can think of that was not accepted was 14man glitch, which could be recreated without the 3rd party program but required alot of time through dcing and such which made it not applicable for a record without the 3rd party program which is why it was deemed unacceptable by the sc community.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by Nika »

^this. Hudini.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by Jang »

couldn't we just have a 2nd meta record table so ppl can decide whether they wanna compete in pre or post bug meta? for pre bug you can either require a video or (which is more trust based) a sceen at start with no mini in your inventory/anywhere dropped

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Re: Barathbug

Post by Obsi »

Jang wrote:couldn't we just have a 2nd meta record table so ppl can decide whether they wanna compete in pre or post bug meta? for pre bug you can either require a video or (which is more trust based) a sceen at start with no mini in your inventory/anywhere dropped
I quite like the idea of having 2 record tables, although I'm afraid a screen at the start wouldn't be sufficient. Mainly due to the fact there are certain p cons which have a chance of dropping mini's. I guess if this were to be implemented a video of everybody's point of view would be required.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by haskhasin »

having multiple tables will not work. We'd need a separate table for each meta. This community settled ages ago to have one "all-time" and one "current-meta" table. Otherwise we'd have had a table for not using res scrolls, and then why not have a table for not glitching dhuum, etc?

Technically the discovery of this could count as a new meta, but it wasn't a nerf, so we don't have to wipe the table.

P.S. I'm pretty sure there's no way to detect this at all - if we pop and remove minis fast enough, they won't even appear in videos. And you can't ask 1080p 60fps videos from everyone.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by yago »

tg and plz Has Kha make a macro for the barath bug :) ty

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Re: Barathbug

Post by Sylars »

I don't even see how this is game breaking. Compared to for example glitching dhuum, the time saved by this is not even mentionable. As well as I've been using this at escort for a few months and nobody complained.

Aside of that, it baffles me how some people can still not understand what a bug, an exploit, a bot and/or a hack is. This is a bug per definition and using it is exploiting - which had always been okay since gw speedruns existed.

Meanwhile, if anyone feels like using a hack (i.e. forbidden in speedruns), this is example code to use:

Code: Select all

#include <GWA2.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <Process.au3>

global $popit = false


func main()
   if initialize(ProcessExists("gw.exe"), true, true, true) = false then
	  exit ;only allows you to have one process open, else check for game window names

   HotKeySet("!s", "stopcontinue") ;start/stop with alt + s
   HotKeySet("!t", "terminate") ;exit with alt + t
   AdlibRegister("usemini", 250) ; pull out/store miniature every 250ms

   while 1

func terminate()

func usemini()
	if $popit = true then
		Local $Item = GetItemBySlot(1, 1) ;bag, slot
		if DllStructGetData($Item, "ModelID") <> 0 then UseItem($Item)

func stopcontinue()
   if $popit = true then
	  $popit = false
	  $popit = true

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Re: Barathbug

Post by haskhasin »

I think many are missing the point of speed clearing and the use of in-game bugs

speed clearing is not "completing an area", but it is "completing an area in the fastest time possible"

Using bugs makes completing areas (e.g. solo uw) easier, but this community is about competition for the fastest time. Using bugs to achieve a faster time does not make a record easier, because the whole community is trying to achieve the same goal using the same capabilities.

Another issue is that many are comparing records without the use of bugs to the ones with the use of bugs. Beating a record that did not use bugs by using bugs may be easy, but the record itself is not "easy", because everyone has the same tools to get it.

Lastly, an example: Josh had beaten my CoF duo/trio record by glitching through the final door. I was disappointed, because I was not aware of that bug and I previously spent hours pushing for a fast time. His method made it easy to beat my time, but he won over me in a fair way using in-game tools and I could have discovered/used the bug myself.

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Re: Barathbug

Post by yago »

haskhasin wrote:I think many are missing the point of speed clearing and the use of in-game bugs

speed clearing is not "completing an area", but it is "completing an area in the fastest time possible"

Using bugs makes completing areas (e.g. solo uw) easier, but this community is about competition for the fastest time. Using bugs to achieve a faster time does not make a record easier, because the whole community is trying to achieve the same goal using the same capabilities.

Another issue is that many are comparing records without the use of bugs to the ones with the use of bugs. Beating a record that did not use bugs by using bugs may be easy, but the record itself is not "easy", because everyone has the same tools to get it.

Lastly, an example: Josh had beaten my CoF duo/trio record by glitching through the final door. I was disappointed, because I was not aware of that bug and I previously spent hours pushing for a fast time. His method made it easy to beat my time, but he won over me in a fair way using in-game tools and I could have discovered/used the bug myself.

I am 100% agree

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