I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is fake.

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Double Derv Dare
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I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is fake.

Post by Double Derv Dare »

There have already been people saying I'm going to accuse certain groups of producing fake records because I "already do this."

I find it hilarious that this stupidity has perpetuated for months. I could not have deliberately come up with something that would lead to this level of insanity for this long if I had tried. Some Frenchie, I don't even remember who, legitimately lost their mind because I posted the result of a basic analysis tool on the 20 minute screen that spagh posted with his party beacon. I've never been the target of such racist PMs in my entire life. All I had said was something along the lines of, "the beacon shows rainbow lines that you typically see in photoshops, but particle effects in GW tend to do that. Otherwise it looks legit." I'm paraphrasing there since I don't remember the exact phrasing I used. This was right when the screenshot was posted, before the video was uploaded, and I even remember pming a few people like spagh and asking what the fuck was causing such a shitstorm.

Anyways, because some person or persons didn't understand me or didn't bother reading, and because a few chucklefucks apparently said I hated all Frenchies, I'm somehow known as the asshole extraordinaire amongst the Frenchies. A month after that record was posted, when golt was doing their kurzick farming, I was doing some MTSC runs with them when someone noticed I was on the prma blacklist. Everyone there on golts TS at the time and in FBGM thought it was legitimately hilarious. I've openly praised a few members currently in prma on numerous occasions throughout the past 4-5 years, and damn near anyone who actually knows me has heard me say that I consider people like spagh amongst the best players for pve content to have ever played the game.

I wish I was capable of stirring up this sort of drama on my own. Life would be so much more interesting if I could summon an army of keyboard warriors on a whim.

Post your records. I'll approve/deny them based on what I see. I don't give half a flying fuck who posts the record. Why would I? What do I have to gain from caring? If there's reason too believe that hacks are being used, I reserve the right to insist upon more evidence prior to approval. That is all. I will not listen to people senselessly bitching about activities that can be recreated with nothing more than an autohotkey macro. This includes, but is not limited to, automatically popping pcons, booze, consets, etc. If you have reason to suspect a record is using ghosts, reaper teleports, or other hacks, post in the thread about it, and explain how you believe such things are being used. Vague statements like, "he could use a ghost to HoS over this cliff" when there are dozens of valid targets aren't useful without a reason behind them, and will be ignored. Every FoW record could have used ghosts on the t4 to go over the cliffs at ToS. Why the fuck would you though? If you can't answer that question, don't post.

For record posters, you are not required to post videos. If questions concerning hacks come up, and you wish to unequivocally prove legitimacy, it is naturally better to have a video. If you have a video and do not wish to leak tactics, post it privately on youtube, friend me on youtube, and share it with me. If you do so, I won't even respond to complaints about your record beyond something along the lines of "I have verified that this is not occurring." without permission. Your splits/bars/tactics will remain a secret if you wish.

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Nika »

You are the mod we need, but not the one we deserve.
Well said, i am opimistic for the future!

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Ether »


Eva is impressed
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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Eva is impressed »

TL;DR pretty much no records are valid anymore because they all use Shadow Form

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Nika »

Why do tldrs exist? People who arent interrested enough to read it, simply aren't worth the information, no?

jon comgree
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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by jon comgree »

Nika wrote:You are the mod we need, but not the one we deserve.
Well said, i am opimistic for the future!
He is...the Dark Mod

Double Derv Dare
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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Double Derv Dare »

Alright. I've gone through the first page of threads for each section, and made edits of a local copy of the raw text for each of the record threads.

I'll proofread it tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep at my keyboard and submit it. That should bring things mostly up to date. If there are any other threads people are aware of beyond the ones that eva has kindly noted, please bump them or link them from within this thread.

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Sylars »

The use of the auto pcon feature is a hack, inreplicable by user action. It does not require user input and does not use your peripherals (I.e. mouse and keyboard) to accomplish things. It is 100% forbidden in the rule cookie posted.

Therefore, if you're going to approve records with toolbox autocons you're acting against the rules and should be wuestioned as a moderator.

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Chipotle »

I agree Sylars, however we haven't found a solution to detect toolbox users yet (and not sure if we ever will). If videos are not required people can happily use their crapbox to fully sweet them of up in a matter of a second #FUCKINGSWEET (get it, it's a pun) (leaving other hacks as mentioned aside right now). The only thing you can do right now is decline records having the /age toolbox message. If you can't play the way the game is designed, you can't claim a record.

@Double Derv Dare
Are you an avid toolbox user yourself?

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Re: I'm the new mod, and apaprently I think your record is f

Post by Cookie »

It's about taking small steps. We don't need to fully ban a useful tool that has legitimate uses outside of cheating. Back before GW2, most of Zraw core had access to the Zraw hack window and they were all trusted not to use anything that wasn't possible with either a macro or with no 3rd-party tools at all (in records). I don't see why the present day community can't act the same way.

Police yourselves, James is here to mediate and update the leaderboards. I feel like some serious shit must have been going on in the past year or so that has lead to everyone having no trust in anyone.

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