[TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

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[TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by BackTwoBaySix »


Makes the [FBGM] duo look weak af, 1 guy for 1 second

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Re: [TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by Aria »

faction records on xmas eve ! thats dedication yo . ^_~

do u think its possible to be 2 secs faster?

merry xmas

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Re: [TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by BackTwoBaySix »

If you take dwarven instead of IAU and optimal attributes and go full send on runes then yeah it can be faster. I did take dwarven before but after dying a couple of times at big ball before war boss I decided its not needed. Also on dwarven I got to end fast a couple of times but died to his soul explosion because of not much dmg reduction on the run. The good thing about this mission is that there is not much RNG. There is RNG on the first group if you can agro it through gate or not. Then the other RNG is whether the 2 warriors stack (after bridge) if they dont stack u pop tengu early and hope they dont kill them too fast and fuck big ball but its time loss either way (that I had this run). Why go 2s faster on this tho when you can easy do a faster duo tho

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Re: [TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by Aria »

its nice when a solo knocks a duo off the table but yeah you are right , someone can just do a faster duo anyway gj

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Re: [TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by Ether »


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Re: [TAS] Solo Minister Cho's Estate 6:20 [Aria]

Post by Frs_ »

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