[TAS] Solo Ooze Pit (Age 4 / 4:56) [モvェム]

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[TAS] Solo Ooze Pit (Age 4 / 4:56) [モvェム]

Post by Aria »

Hi, I'd like to submit this run for [TAS] current meta seconds based and [TAS] current meta minutes based.

Video includes F11 and /age from outside the dungeon, Toolbox timer and end chest spawning.

Level 1 - Age 4 / 4:56
Total - Age 4 / 4:56 seconds.

Fun story: On one of the many previous attempts I didn't realize it was in Normal Mode and did the 4:56 only to realise 20 minutes later while editing footage; feeling dumb AF + suicidal.

Thanks :mrgreen:

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Re: [TAS] Solo Ooze Pit (Age 4 / 4:56) [モvェム]

Post by Smiiles »

TAS Current-Meta. Minute and Seconds-Based!

In Game Minute: 4 Minutes
Seconds Based: 4:56.8

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