2min Solo Rand Stormweaver [TAS] [SdR]

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Joined: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:27 am
In-game name: Back Two Bay Six
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2min Solo Rand Stormweaver [TAS] [SdR]

Post by BackTwoBaySix »


This was much harder than it looked, and I think I played last fight almost optimally.

Solo doa choking gas copers are in shambles after this one.

Rng on last boss fight is insane, like weapons they spawn in with so they dont stack properly, spawn on boss group itself is often not pullable, or group nearby spawns/follows forever, boss often walks out when I go into rwb, the buggies sometimes just don't walk in when they should, its so difficult/rare to get a 1-dot like this there is rng on the necro skills he needs to cast putrid instead of ward, I need to dodge all choking gas hits for the entire fight, and I need to not get randomly magebane shotted or attack skilled outside of normal attack cycle, I need choppers, I need to not get trolled by res since the whole whole has hard and soft res.

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