Elite Areas Records Rules

Submit your current-meta and all-time elite area records
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In-game name: Hudini Will Slice
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Elite Areas Records Rules

Post by hudini »

Please check here for the general rules

The following are considered "Elite Areas" and must be completed according to the specifications as described below.
  • Domain of Anguish, separated into a) a fullrun of the four areas leading up to Mallyx and b) Mallyx himself.
    • a) All four gates blocking the path to the following area must be unlocked by the completion of the appropriate task. All areas must be completed in the same instance.
      • City of Torc'qua: Accepting the quest reward of "The City of Torc'qua".
      • Stygian Veil: Killing all spawns of the Dreadspawn Maw.
      • Ravenheart Gloom: Killing the Earth Tormentors that spawn from The Darknesses.
      • The Foundry of Failed Creations: Killing The Fury and its group.
    • b) The end chest must be spawned. /age should be visible after the "Quest Updated" message.
  • The Underworld
    • "The Nightman Cometh" must be completed after completing the 10 preceding quests. The quest panel should be displayed and /age should be visible after the last "Goal completed" message.
  • The Fissure of Woe
    • The end chest must be spawned. The quest panel should be displayed and /age should be visible after the last "Goal completed" message.
  • The Deep
    • The end chest must be spawned. /age should be visible after the "You gain 10,000 Luxon faction." message.
  • Urgoz's Warren
    • The end chest must be spawned. /age should be visible after the "You gain 10,000 Kurzick faction." message.
  • Tomb of the Primeval Kings
    • The Darknesses bossgroup on the final level must be defeated and the allied Lost Souls must be spawned. Please also consider the note about multi-level elite areas below.
  • Sorrow's Furnace, separated into a) a fullrun and b) individual records for the mainquests "Summit Slaves", "Kilroy Stonekin", "Unspeakable, Unknowable", "Noble Intentions" and "The Forge Heart".
    • a) The quests "To Sorrow's Furnace" and "The Final Assault" must be completed in one run. You can not return to an outpost after entering an explorable area for the first time. The time of this record includes the required time to accept quests and enter Sorrow's Furnace repeatedly. The area must be started from scratch, one player must take every reward to act as if "To Sorrow's Furnace" isn't completed. That player has to be the one taking "The Final Assault". The quest panel must be displayed and /age should be visible after the "Quest Updated" message for "The Final Assault". Please also consider the note about multi-level elite areas below.
    • b) The respective quest must be completed. The quest panel should be displayed and /age should be visible after the last "Quest Updated" message. The way towards Sorrow's Furnace is not included in the time for these records.

Additional note for multi-level Elite Areas: For multi-level Elite Areas (Tomb of the Primeval Kings and fullruns of Sorrow's Furnace) the completion time is considered the difference between account/character /age at the beginning and end of the run. Start /age must be entered outside the area or while on the first level. End /age must be entered when the final objective is completed, which is defined for each area respectively.

Good luck and have fun!


1. Elite Areas are the Fissure of Woe (FoW), The Underworld (UW), The Deep, Urgoz's Warren, and the Domain of Anguish (DoA).

2. The area must be fully completed.
  • In FoW, the end chest must be spawned. Quest panel (L) should be displayed and /age should be visible after the last "Goal Completed" message.
  • In Underworld, the quest "The Nightman Cometh" must be completed after completing the other 10 quests. Quest panel (L) should be displayed and /age should be visible after the last "Goal Completed" message.
  • In Urgoz, the end chest must be spawned. /age should be visible after the "You gain 10.000 Kurzick Faction." message.
  • In The Deep, the end chest must be spawned. /age should be visible after the "You gain 10.000 Luxon Faction." message.
  • In DoA, all four gates blocking the path to the adjacent area must be unlocked by the completion of the appropriate task:

    All areas must be completed in the same instance. You must enter the /age command after the completion message of the last area pops up.
Good luck and have fun!

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Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:23 pm
In-game name: Hi Im Undercover
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Re: Elite Areas Records Rules

Post by Flo »

EDIT 2019-11-17

Added for DoA completion rules: "All areas must be completed in the same instance."


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