Toolbox minimap

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Ether »

Flo wrote:I dont know why everyone seems to be so keen on killing gw records.
The first step was the meta reset, the second the bullshit fbgm pulled ingame and now a switch of forums that would loose us the last bits of remaining traffic on this site?
Meta reset was overdue.

As for the 'bullshit fbgm pulled ingame', I'm surprised you guys are upset by it

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Nika »

Alright then,
time for Nika to step in since noone wanted memes or fresh Paintpics.

First of all i'll address the last couple posts. The failure of the alliancepolitics should not influence the actions on this site since casuals and speedruns are a different thing. (eg. SenT is pretty much dead, but we still do speedruns). How much it influenced the casual community i can't tell.

I read Pepsi's post a few days ago and won't go back and answer it bit by bit, instead i'll just give my general thoughts.
One thing first, you can't really compare a ruleset of a competition to the Law of a country.
The thing we should change in our current system is discussing what is allowed, not what isn't allowed. This way people can make as many tools as they like and they have to pass the rulediscussion here first before being allowed.

I wholeheartedly agree with your split of tables. But my biggest interrest is to maintain a certain level of competition. So people actually beat each other's times Displaying new amazing tactics and so on. If we introduce 10 different sections, then everyone can just specialize in one. The Sc community in GW is small af.
That's why i believe having 1 set of rules for 1 table which is most agreeable for most of the community. By default this would be a restricted ruleset, forbidding third party tools. But it would not exclude ingame bugs such as coindrop and so on, which is a bigger turnoff than autopcons for most ;) (most = my opinion obviously, i am always the majority, i am the alpha and the omega).

As a comprimise i offer the introduction of a second ruleset: Restricted.
Hacking the shit ouf of GuildWars is not as satisfieng as this case i guess.
I'd vote for Pepsi as Mod (if Power ever comes back, another unsolved issue), so his voice matters the most when discussing the exact rules for this new "section" (e.g Bugs allowed or not?!)

In the end i have to point out that it is quite pathetic to say things like "I'm done with this site" a few hours after dropping such a huge post as you did and only reading quick and heat-of-the-moment answers. This is a hobby for us all, give people time to answer ;)


To everyone reading: you might have realized that is switched between adressing Pepsi and the Community rather often - forgive me i suck at writing such texts.

#1 Speedclearer, SenT Guildleader, >God

Ima Go Farm Now
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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Ima Go Farm Now » would be a great publicity tool if people streamed more runs. Most of the newcomers to sc generally already play guild wars or are players who played before. Maybe if people saw what we saw in the game we would get more new blood (maybe resurrect this game a bit?). The only problem is our community is pretty toxic to newcomers and each other even more. I don't think moving will kill sc like Flo says, it could revitalize it if people worked at it a bit.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Flo »

I can start doing tetris speedruns in a matter of minutes. To start doing anything in guildwars starting from scratch you need 500+ hours (level and equip character, gain enough money, learn the game). This isnt about getting new people to join the sc community, its about keeping the old ones. No new competitors will randomly show up now, no one is starting the game anymore.

Our playerbase cant support any big changes since any change will make some people quit.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by livia »

Well, let's do a facebook chat as our new "forum" for record.

Ima Go Farm Now
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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Ima Go Farm Now »

The community isn't so fragile that it would crumble to change. This community has gone through crippling blows continually since 2012 and has still survived and even thrived at times. It takes just as long to get good at tetris as it does at guild wars, you think the top tetris speedrunners haven't spent hundreds of hours to get as good as they are? New players would show up if the game got more attention, this game is just forgotten not gone.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Flo »

Which big changes since 2012? Every time something big happened, we had a status quo to not let it affect us too much - we took baby-steps.

And no. In other games you can see results in a matter of hours - of course, you will be bad, but you can actually just download them, play them, learn them. Trying anything remotely hard in Guildwars requires you to invest several 100 hours of gameplay to even get to the point to do the first run.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Ima Go Farm Now »

Like the several ban waves that knocked out many of the big players and they all had to rebuild? The introduction of guild wars 2? The lack of practically any maintenance or balancing from arenanet? Arguing like this is getting nowhere, and moving a forum and adding in different categories rather than the only one we have will not kill this community. There are like 5 people who even post records. Adding a bit more variety might bring more people to the table.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by Flo »

If you re thinking a change of any sort will bring in new players you re delusional.

And yes, I really think that "moving a forum and adding in different categories rather than the only one we have" will indeed kill the community.
Any change will make make some people quit (no idea how many, but some will).

Oh and by the way, please dont compare things we couldnt do shit about (bans, gw2, arenanet not caring) to things we can actually influence.

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Re: Toolbox minimap

Post by livia »

Flo wrote:If you re thinking a change of any sort will bring in new players you re delusional.
The truth.

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