2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

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Enjoy The Arrows
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2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

Post by Enjoy The Arrows »

Hello All,
I am introducing a speed clear tournament for anyone who wants to participate.
Tournament Date: TBA
So teams of 4 compete in FoW, UW, DoA and like 4 or 5 other areas (possibly dungeons, TOPK, missions). All areas will be announced once tournament starts. Fastest completion time will get the max points. Points will be broken down like:

Fastest time: 30 points
2nd place: 25 points
3rd place: 20 points
4th place:15 points
5th place: 10 points
Anything below 5th = 5 points
Not submitting a completed time = -5 points for that area.

Whichever team has the most points at the end wins $400 total ($100/each).

1.) Teams are allowed a maximum of four players that must complete each area.
a. Teams must submit the four account names they plan to run on. No other accounts will be acceptable.
i. If we cannot verify the character is registered, you will lose the points for that area.
b. No substitutions will be allowed once the tournament starts. You may switch your team up at anytime up to the tournament start
c. Areas can be completed with less people on your team but no more than the 4 you signed up with.
d. You can come up with a team name that is appropriate to show on twitch or will not be considered.

2.) Each team can choose whether to play TAS or pure for each area.
a. If you play TAS a 5% time penalty will be added to your total time for that area.
i. Maximum of 3 minutes.
ii. 1 video will be required if you play that area TAS.
b. If you play pure no time penalty will be issued but a video is required for each person completing.
c. This is strictly to balance out teams who want to play pure as there is no doubt TAS saves time.
d. You can switch from TAS to pure depending on the area you are completing.

3.) The runs must be completed during the tournament timeframe which is currently going to be two weeks.
a. This one is open to suggestion but what I was able to think of the below:
b. One person from each team (one person who is submitting videos) will have to get into a discord call and show the /age via live
stream when the tournament starts.
i. I will document the time of the /age.
c. /age must also be in all video submissions by that person.
i. This will verify that the account aged from original /age submission.

4.) Video review
a. All videos that are required will be reviewed by either myself or another unbiased administrator.
i. Failure to submit at least one video will result in the not completion point payout.
ii. If you play pure and fail to submit a video for each participant you will be bumped into TAS category.
b. All videos must start recording right before you zone in to the area or during the loading screen.

5.) Each team will be assigned to a discord channel for posting screenshots / videos for review.

6.) Times will not be made public until after the tournament date.

7.) This will be seconds based records for final time submissions of the area.

8.) There is nothing not allowed for the TAS category.\
a. I.E. rupt bots, auto target, movement macros, ghost targeting are all allowed but TAS in general comes with a time penalty.

9.) Winning team will submit PayPals for the payment.
a. This is winner take all. We don’t give out participation trophies.
b. Winning team will also be announced on my stream so be sure to follow :).
i. https://www.twitch.tv/fowlzone

10.) Completion of areas is defined as record completion.
a. For example in DoA skipping Jadoth is allowed.

11.) You may submit as many submissions of the area as needed until the tournament end time. No submissions will be accepted after the tournament end time.

12.) Sign up your team at this discord in the teams channel: https://discord.gg/8DcMzBn6
a. Be sure to include a team name if you want and the 4 in game names of the people in your team.

13.) Videos must be made public after the tournament end date for everyone’s review.
a. I will also be sure to show all my calculations for times in an excel file for all to review.

What I need from everyone is to go to this discord: https://discord.gg/UBcsJYkp and review the rules and select a date that would work best for you in the Tourney-Date channel. Please kick the like button for what date works and the date with the most likes will be chosen (most likely). Once you have your team enter it into the teams channel with the four character names of each person in your team along with the team name.

If you want to donate to the pot feel free to. There is no buy-in though. Any donations will add to the maximum money amount. I am also accepting donations with guild wars items for the second and third place team. Maybe we can do like 2nd place gets 10 armbraces each person but I’m broke in this game. I also wanted to do something like every team who completes all areas get 1 armbrace each (just for fun) so donating some Guild Wars 1 ecto / arms will be appreciated.

These rules are not final but a good starting point and I am open to feedback.

Let me know what times you would want this tournament to be. I put four options for tournament dates listed below. Please like the date you would prefer and the one with the most likes will most likely win.

Let’s have fun. Any questions shoot me a message in game at Enjoy The Arrows :D

Enjoy The Arrows
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:14 pm
In-game name: Enjoy The Arrows
Guild: Mage Is SenT

Re: 2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

Post by Enjoy The Arrows »

Hello All,

Just as an update, we announced a tournament date of January 1st to start. Get your team of four together and best of luck to everyone! :D

This discord with information can be found here: https://discord.gg/A6qhrvpb

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Re: 2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

Post by Ether »

can any of the new mods delete this post

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Re: 2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

Post by N I N A »

50a and ill

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Re: 2021 Guild Wars Speed Clear Tournament

Post by Ether »

its been a year, can we delete this

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