Rupt-bot in PvE

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Misty »

Livia, if you think manually dropping can't be used to do the kind of things that are possible with a macro, does that mean you support the use of manual dropping in records? Even by your reckoning, this gives a huge advantage in FoW, where often all you have to do is stand and whirl enemies, while dropping items to prevent them from healing. In any case, it is possible to move, cast a skill, or attack in between each drop - just don't try to cast a spirit or something, or the enemies will unbug because you stop dropping for too long. The same is true for an auto coin dropper; the only difference is that it requires no effort/skill because toolbox does it all for you, and thus it should not be allowed.
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by livia »

No i just said there would be an argument to defend it and we could have a debate over it as it would only be bug exploiting w/o use of a 3rd party software. I can actually understand that in many case autopcons "only" make the run more confortable. Though, for 0.25 skill rupt or coins drop (especially how it's used in uw), it doesn't only make the run more confortable, it make the run. I actually had the same problem with forcing a dialog for 4h/mnts. We talk here about things that aren't consistant & make it consistant with a 3rd program give a big advantage.

Finaly, i think we can check how WoW solve this problem. As many now there is a public that let you do many things but you cannot use it to play for yourself. The analog of auto pcons would be a macro that you bind to an hotkey to pop your pcons. Indeed, you can create a macro that use an item / use a skill & few other thing but you cannot do condition check.
I think a macro system of this kind will be way more interesting that an automated system especially the part No conditions check.

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Luke »

naaah cmmn rupts are all abt skill

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Ether »

the coins for solo are really just to make the inconsistent things consistent. my goal with it, is like using a TAS in speed runs. you push the games to the limits. even though some may not consider it legit since its not by hand or w/e. wouldnt it be cool to see a sub 2h solo uw? or some ridiculous team builds that abuse coins, allowing for a time thats even faster than the all time records?

but none of thats possible when everyone thinks it takes no creativity, skill, or effort to do these things.

Treviya Calabas
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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Treviya Calabas »

I somehow agree with what ether said because in the past we all did the same with resscrolls... we abused the game and brought it to the limits. I mean lots of ppl would have been happy to see a 12min doa run and at those times no1 but some frenchies complained about the scrolls. I mean the splits which where possible with scrolls were ridiculous but many ppl thought about tactics which can only be done with scrolls. And for me its nearly the same then coin drop. But I also agree to the community and want that the records if done with coin drop get separated from the legit done records. For me it was always interessting to what kind of tactics ppl invent. And thats the same for me then a rupt bot - it should not get a legit record but im happy to see what tactics ppl gonna invent

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by livia »

You can do record with cheat if you want & post it. It was never forbided but it's just not accept in the record table as it's not legit. If you want to show what you can do go ahead.

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Riel »

Just get good at rupts? :|

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Ether »

There's no point in doing it. The solo uw runs are seen as jokes. If I post something like a 15 minute doa with coins, no one will see it as an achievement. Just a joke

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Re: Rupt-bot in PvE

Post by Befi »

+1 ether, even when hes a fag

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