[亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Joker »

keaz wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:27 am
Joker wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:12 am
keaz wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:51 am

Get mad, tas clown. Why would a mod show any respect to a cheating filth? Please don't call yourself a "fair" competitor. XD

The fact that you guys don't realize how much of a joke this community is for allowing stuff like this to exist and become the most played category is beyond comprehension. In any other game, this wouldn't even be up for debate, but I suppose the community of this game is just different.
It's ok, guys, we got it. You can be faster by using cheats, but it doesn't mean that you have to go that path.
In chess, programs have become better than humans, but the competition is still human vs. human cause else it would be hella boring. You guys gotta accept that being faster by EVERY means is not an end in itself even if it says so in those stupid rules.

But as I said earlier, we've been having this same debate for years, and nothing has changed. So yeah, keep hacking your way to faster times, and people who have a little respect for themselves will eventually choose a different path.
you sound really bitter to be honest and it doesnt look like you are searching for a civiliced discussion so i will stop responding to you after this. if you get the feeling your dick is tiny because a tas run was faster than your pure thats a you issue. but i assume by how you are acting the small dick issue is not related to gw speedruns anyways lmao. btw there has been a lot of human vs ai experiments in chess, the only difference being that the HUMANS there typically dont get salty because the ai beat them ;) big emphasis on humans here hehe.
Humans do get a bit salty when it happens tho right? (try looking up Kasparov vs Deepblue) but why would I be salty since none of the fow pure records have been beaten by TAS players? Sad would be more accurate than salty tbh

Also, something that I didn't mention was that, in my opinion, TAS as a category can probably exist but definitely not as the main category where people compete. Instead, it should be a minor, fun one where you could cheat your way to the fastest time possible by using every new technology/glitch you could find. It's probably what it should've been designed as in the first place, and it's definitely not what it is right now.
since u stopped directly insulting at least i will respond once again. how popular a category is is not decided by you or how you morally feel about it. the fact is that most people think its too tedious to pop pcons and like several other tb features as well so they dont want to play pure. should there be a category in between pure and tas to allow people to compete without having to write scripts AND without having to live through the painful experience of pure gw (because to many, lets face it, it is, and im saying this as someone who has participated in pure records)? absolutely. insulting people for playing TAS as the rules say doesnt lead anywhere tho

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Teh »

keaz wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:22 am
Little man, I couldn't care less about your stupid irelevant urgoz record. We all know your cringe stuff is ALLOWED and its bad luck we're having this discussion here but your brain seem to miss the point of this whole debate which concerns the actual state of the TAS category/GW speedrunning rulesets
Dude, many peoples around these land don't give a flying fuck about FoW and that the only spot you relevant. It's bad luck that you think you have any weight in the discussion when you contradict yourself.
You only play PURE? Cool, nobody's pissing on your feets cause they don't like PURE. But we all know what'll happen if some group beats your record while playing TAS...

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by keaz »

Teh wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:36 am
keaz wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:22 am
Little man, I couldn't care less about your stupid irelevant urgoz record. We all know your cringe stuff is ALLOWED and its bad luck we're having this discussion here but your brain seem to miss the point of this whole debate which concerns the actual state of the TAS category/GW speedrunning rulesets
Dude, many peoples around these land don't give a flying fuck about FoW and that the only spot you relevant. It's bad luck that you think you have any weight in the discussion when you contradict yourself.
You only play PURE? Cool, nobody's pissing on your feets cause they don't like PURE. But we all know what'll happen if some group beats your record while playing TAS...
Idk man I feel like fow and especially duo fow is pretty relevant these days considering the ammount of ppl grinding it, also if you were able to understand what that 13 duo represents for gw speedruning you prbly wouldnt call me out on this subject, but again most of you clowns aren't ready for this debate yet since it involves actual gw speedrunning performance, and you guys just have no idea what it means.
If that wasn't enough, you forgot to mention I took a few records for fun from your guilds "area of expertise" aka dungeon just to feel how easy it was compared to real areas, so I guess its not only fow after all (dp>cook tho)

To get back to the actual topic and stop this cringe useless flex, I'll be happy if you could indicate me where I contradicted myself? I still stand by "TAS is allowed but it's for clowns", but again it's just my opinion :)

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Teh »

Weird flex bro when you "take records" that are uncontested and while running with COOK members... Probably some issues with your ego but that's something you'll have to ask your therapist cause I ain't got time to listen to your boring ass.

Just read your messages and it'll be pretty obvious where your contradicted yourself. And pretty peculiar to call your whole guild clowns, but again it's just my opinion :)

Don't be mad cause you aren't able to compete in TAS, we'll come for PURE soon enough

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by keaz »

Teh wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:34 am
Weird flex bro when you "take records" that are uncontested and while running with COOK members... Probably some issues with your ego but that's something you'll have to ask your therapist cause I ain't got time to listen to your boring ass.

Just read your messages and it'll be pretty obvious where your contradicted yourself. And pretty peculiar to call your whole guild clowns, but again it's just my opinion :)

Don't be mad cause you aren't able to compete in TAS, we'll come for PURE soon enough
Idk man you really seem to have troubles understanding/reading stuff, not that it is important since dungeons records aren't but I said took from your "guild's area of expertise" which means dungeons. (also dp>cook, be glad dido & sarah ended up in your guild)

And for you coming to pure, thats great! Im happy to hear you guys plan on finally playing the game :) Hopefully, others will follow you !!

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Jang »

This discussion honestly became too heated...we have had enough of these keyboard wars back in the day with auto pcons vs pure and later with tb compass vs auto pcons just to end back at the same point now. We need a final solution.

I wasn't playing when standard was removed so I don't really know why that happened but if I recall correctly it was the most popular category for quite a while because it aligned best with many peoples view on what's cheating and what's not regardless of whether that's rooted in objective truth or not. With the removal of it people were forced to compete either pure or under an everything goes ruleset. To put this into perspective it feels like you're running a marathon either barefood or use inline skates which possibly turn into motorcycles at some point in the future.

I personally have no issues with this record and I wouldn't go as far as calling current TAS records no skill BS (although if automization is limitless that will be the case one day) but to me it makes it very clear that we need some form of competitive middle ground.

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Flo »

I personally cannot wait for a debate about whether a category in the middle between PURE and TAS should exist, that is surely gonna be very consensual and respectful :) .

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by BackTwoBaySix »

I wish I had full visibilty of the 2021 vote spreadsheet to see who voted to remove standard and who is now crying.

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by James/SynSity »

idk why standard continues to be brought up. it would objectively not have solved our current issue as it worked off a blacklist of functions, and new functions are seemingly added to toolbox everyday. most of the contentious ones of late would be allowed in standard as there was no one around to care enough to regulate it as a category. that's why it sucked. the main problem, probably above everything else, is that we all don't wanna go back to popping our own lunars. otherwise everyone would just play pure, ignore TAS records that have gotten way out of control, and go on about our day. this is a "this is why we can't have nice things" moment. people abusing toolbox and using it to basically smuggle cheats into the game to be used on records have destroyed what was once a nice convenience. standard was an attempt to keep that convenience without associating yourself with the people who are using it to cheat on records. but you can't have your cake and eat it too, and there's a reason for that. because people will always try and abuse anything where there is potential for abuse. we should all just get used to popping our own lunars and double clicking our own seals again. honestly it's not that hard.

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by grizz »

Teh wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:36 am
keaz wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:22 am
Little man, I couldn't care less about your stupid irelevant urgoz record. We all know your cringe stuff is ALLOWED and its bad luck we're having this discussion here but your brain seem to miss the point of this whole debate which concerns the actual state of the TAS category/GW speedrunning rulesets
Dude, many peoples around these land don't give a flying fuck about FoW and that the only spot you relevant. It's bad luck that you think you have any weight in the discussion when you contradict yourself.
You only play PURE? Cool, nobody's pissing on your feets cause they don't like PURE. But we all know what'll happen if some group beats your record while playing TAS...

I don’t think anyone really cares about the automatic movie y’all made or the donjons.
You guys just getting flames publicly on a daily basis over a rc trick that would have been funnier to watch if you all ee,d up following a dc to the gate lock, which probably happened.

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