Other Records - Second Based (New)

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Posts: 616
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:07 am
In-game name: Nika Iz Back
Guild: [SenT]

Other Records - Second Based (New)

Post by Nika »

Other Records - Second Based (New)

Will update this

Heart of the Shiverpeaks (Cyndr)
[TAS] 1 player [Golt] (6min42s) Thread
Defeat the 4 Charr bosses in The Northlands
[TAS] 1 player [SenT] (1min26s) Thread
Enter post-searing
[TAS] 1 player [-] (0min11s) Thread
Black Bear Tame
[PURE] 2 players [Run] (0min59s) Thread
Bonus Mission Pack
The Battle of Jahai
The Flight North
[TAS] 1 player [NoU] (6min47sec) Thread
The Rise of the White Mantle
The Tengu Accords
Event Quests
Fighting in a Winter Wonderland
[PURE] 1 player [-] (4min30sec) Thread
The Strength of Snow
[PURE] 1 player [Back] (3min59sec) Thread
[PURE] 1 player [GoT] (3min46s) Thread
Annihilator 2
[PURE] 1 player [-] (6min41s) Thread
Don't Fear The Reapers
[TAS] 1 player [Aria] (11:42.0) Thread
Beyond Quests
WiK - Battle for Lion's Arch
[TAS] 1 players [GoT] (51min47s) Thread
Elite areas sub-tasks
DoA - The Foundry of Failed Creations
[TAS] 6 players [IT] (3:58.0) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [IT] (8:34.9) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [Loa] (26:37.4) Thread
DoA - The City of Torc'qua
[TAS] 2 player [Loa][IT] (4.59) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [Loa] (8.38.8) Thread
DoA - Stygian Veil
[TAS] 8 players [IT] (4.54.3) Thread
[TAS] 3 players [-] (9:40) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [IT] (14:54.5) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [pEoN] (31:38.9) Thread
[PURE] 1 player [pEoN] (33:40.9) Thread
DoA - Ravenheart Gloom
[TAS] 3 players [Loa] (5.25.4) Thread
[PURE] 2 players [Loa] (6min55s) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [Loa/Zraw] (5min41s) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [Loa] (8:30.238) Thread
UW - Unwanted Guests
[TAS] 4 players [Loco] (1:55.8) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [Loco] (2:54.4) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [Aria] (4:52.9) Thread
UW - Spawn Mountain Reaper
[TAS] 8 players [-] (2min45s) Thread
UW - Demon Assassin + Terrorweb Queen
[TAS] 7 players [-] (7min54s) Thread
UW - Clear the Chamber
[TAS] 1 player [ff] (0:50.2) Thread
UW - Servants of Grenth
[TAS] 4 players [-] (3min45s) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [-] (4min36sec) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [bay6] (5min55s) Thread
UW - Restoring Grenth's Monuments
[TAS] 3 players [Loco] (5min46sec) Thread
[TAS] 2 players [Loco] (8min37sec) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [SdR] (16min51s) Thread
FoW - Tower of Courage
[TAS] 1 player [Loco] (1min31s) Thread
[PURE] 1 player [SenT] (1min34s) Thread
FoW - Slaves of Menzies
[TAS] 1 player [-] (2min26s) Thread
FoW - Army of Darkness
[TAS] 1 player [-] (2min57s) Thread
FoW - The Hunt
[TAS] 8 player [Loco] (1min58sec) Thread
[TAS] 4 player [Loco] (2min55sec) Thread
[TAS] 1 player [-] (8min51s) Thread
FoW - Killing Priest of Menzies
[PURE] 1 player [-] (1min53s) Thread
FoW - A Gift of Griffons
[PURE] 5 player [-] (3min48s) Thread
[PURE] 4 player [-] (3min51s) Thread
Elite areas with constraints
Fissure of Woe - normal mode
[TAS] 1 player [SenT] (43min42s) Thread
DoA - Full Run No Slowload
[TAS] 8 players [IT] (14:57.9) Thread
DoA - Full Run, Maximum Skills: 4
[TAS] 1 player [Zraw] (2:38:41) Thread
Urgoz: Solo with Hero
[TAS] 2 players [pEoN] (11min47s) Thread
Missions with constraints
Chahbek Village - normal mode without bonus
[PURE] 2 players [Zraw] (1min50s) Thread
Quest: Polymock: Defeat Master Hoff
[PURE] 1 player [-] (1min59s) Thread
Maximum single heal
[TAS] 3 players [FBGM] 37223 hp Thread
Highest Damage Packet
[TAS] 6 players [丹尺爪己] -3279 Thread
Beacon's Perch -> Droknar's Forge
[TAS] 1 players [db] (10min14s) Thread
Droknar's Forge -> Marhan's Grotto
[TAS] 1 players [low] (6min6sec) Thread
Ascalon City -> Lion's Arch
[PURE] 1 players [Y트트T] (18min53sec) Thread
Desert Tour
[PURE] 1 players [Y트트T] (14min14sec) Thread


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