[TAS] 13min Urgoz solo + Norgu

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Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:29 am
In-game name: Higgs Bosom

[TAS] 13min Urgoz solo + Norgu

Post by Higgs »

got this a few days ago, along with some other people already. just figured why not just post this too, since (unless we get Trunkz's earth staff) i don't see the 12 happening any time soon (please surprise me!) :D

i guess being the strongest is better than being unstoppable
Last edited by Higgs on Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [TAS] 13min tie Urgoz solo + Norgu

Post by Trunkz »

WTS Dolyak Staff 300a

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Re: [TAS] 13min tie Urgoz solo + Norgu

Post by Flo »

for TAS, in the Other records: Urgoz: Solo with Hero category

Sorry this took so long to approve, next time feel free to bother me on discord after 1 week has passed.

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