Other Record Rules

Submit any record not fitting in the above categories
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Posts: 1377
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:23 pm
In-game name: Hi Im Undercover
Guild: Golt

Other Record Rules

Post by Flo »

Please check here for the general rules
For records that are really similar to an existing category, please also check the rule thread of the respective category.

1. You can post anything that is not covered by the definition of the other available categories and at the same time is different in at least one aspect to an existing record.
2. You are free to post anything, for example elite area subtasks, highest single damage done, highest healing, time to cover a certain distance, time to finish a quest or any another objective. You can also complete an objective that is the same as in a different category, but with different conditions, for example a different class combination, no pcons, replacing party members with heroes or anything else.

Good luck and have fun!

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