[TAS] 1min8sec Solo Ruins of Morah [IT]

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[TAS] 1min8sec Solo Ruins of Morah [IT]

Post by Flo »


TED Talk:

It really feels like an age 0 should be possible, but I tried this ~400 times and the best I could come up with was the 2nd part of the video. Pretty sure between yourself and Morgahn you need honor, barbs, and any form of survivability. This forces you into either A/N with Morgahn bringing the most damage possible as /Mo or bringing a /N Morgahn which then in turn means the player needs some survivability. Since you can pretty much have as many attributes on 20 as you want with pcons and anniversary elite, splinter armor is juuust defensive anough while dealing a good bit damage so its the superior option over for example shroud (...unless of course you missjudge the damage they deal, skip casting it and then die to the 2 additional aggroed enemies - yikes). I also considered bringing a /A dagger spammer morgahn, but player bar skillslots get tight when you also need to bring barbs. Also considered evas and using pstone for multiple ones, but it didnt seem worth it. With Ymlad it is possible to knock Vareshs vortex skills, but very hard to do. Also, Ineptitude and Wandering Eye or other random hero knockdowns like signet of judgement can block it, but this is rather inconsistent. Also, this record can only be done during an event to abuse the bugged anniversary weapon that deals way more damage than it should.

General approach should imo be to either bring no conditions at all (Unsuspecting Strike instead of J, and no cracked armor) so they Kis dont heal with their condition removal, or to bring continuously applied cracked armor (which is the well spell on Morgahn in the 2nd part of the video).

I also toyed around with vengeance, and I am pretty sure that if you would manage to die exactly when you wanted to (=right after the first varesh dies) it would be the optimal play and could save you ~3 seconds on the 2nd Varesh.

For an age 0 you need to kill first Varesh by 0:30, then she will spawn around 0:41 so you have ~0:17-0:19 more seconds to kill 2nd phase. If Varesh breaks onto Morgahn its resign. If you get a ranger summoning stone its most likely resign. If she casts earth vortex too early its most likely resign, because your stones then die. If your stones swap to the Kis too fast its probably resign. If she just hits you too often through blockchance its resign. If the Kis heal too much its resign. If after the first phase a necromancer spawns in range of a Ki corpse, he summons a minion and aggroes you, its resign. If you hero aggroes additional enemies its resign.

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Re: [TAS] 1min8sec Solo Ruins of Morah [IT]

Post by Frs_ »

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