[TAS] Solo Bloodstone Caves Age 2 / 3:55 [NNG]

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[TAS] Solo Bloodstone Caves Age 2 / 3:55 [NNG]

Post by DungeonGimli »

I'd like to submit this run for [TAS] minutes based and [TAS] seconds based.

Thank you to Aria for the lovely strats, i detest playing the low hp/55hp variant aswell luckily this strat is actually faster imo. i took EE tho to save more time on lvl 3 to get more consistent age 0. it is possible to have an even faster run with the luck of Aria's Lvl 3 and a different build.

According to TB the times were:

LVL 1 Age 1 / 1:19
LVL 2 Age 1 / 1:36
LVL 3 Age 0 / 0:58
Total: Age 2 / 3:55

it's been ages since i've posted something here i hope everything is accepted.


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Re: [TAS] Solo Bloodstone Caves Age 2 / 3:55 [NNG]

Post by Aria »

nice clean run , yw for the tactics and i appreciate the shout-out ; lvl 3 is tight indeed

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Re: [TAS] Solo Bloodstone Caves Age 2 / 3:55 [NNG]

Post by Smiiles »

Sorry this got missed. Approved Current Meta and All Time!

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