[亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Teh »

Flo wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:24 pm
I personally cannot wait for a debate about whether a category in the middle between PURE and TAS should exist, that is surely gonna be very consensual and respectful :) .
There's no need for a debate, PURE is PURE and TAS is TAS and between those it's too shitty to define. People just need to accept that rules are rules and unless they changes people are free to play under those rules.

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Re: [亡囗囗大] 7man 4min Urgoz's Warren (TAS)

Post by Joker »

James/SynSity wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 5:53 pm
idk why standard continues to be brought up. it would objectively not have solved our current issue as it worked off a blacklist of functions, and new functions are seemingly added to toolbox everyday. most of the contentious ones of late would be allowed in standard as there was no one around to care enough to regulate it as a category. that's why it sucked. the main problem, probably above everything else, is that we all don't wanna go back to popping our own lunars. otherwise everyone would just play pure, ignore TAS records that have gotten way out of control, and go on about our day. this is a "this is why we can't have nice things" moment. people abusing toolbox and using it to basically smuggle cheats into the game to be used on records have destroyed what was once a nice convenience. standard was an attempt to keep that convenience without associating yourself with the people who are using it to cheat on records. but you can't have your cake and eat it too, and there's a reason for that. because people will always try and abuse anything where there is potential for abuse. we should all just get used to popping our own lunars and double clicking our own seals again. honestly it's not that hard.
because the standard rules were badly managed back then means you cant think of a way to make them better? sounds like skill issue to me. its very simple actually, you say standard = tb functions x, y and z. anything on top goes into TAS. done. now, can all of you retards who still need to gatekeep people and how they play the game to feel better about themselves agree on these functions that should be allowed? im with flo here, i believe it when i see it....

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