Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

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Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by Flo »

Currently, the rules for the standard category state that:
-some tools are allowed while others arent
-allowed: any modification of textures, health trackers, distance trackers, hotkeys for items, auto-pcons, bond monitors that only shows bonds but dont let you interact, hotkeys to send chat commands
-not allowed: aggro trackers, macros that execute multiple keypresses (for example emo bots), bond monitors that let you interact with the bonds, movement macros, sending dialogs, other forms of targetting other than those given by the game itself (for example targetting by id), targetting agents that could not be targetted without a tool (for example gitb), ruptbots and tools to hit skills (for example overload), auto-rezzscrolls, auto-mobstoppers, tools that shows the area on which you can and can not walk on, tools that show where you placed your soh / your recall target is located, tools that show which direction enemies are facing, tools that let you mark spots on the minimap permanently
-coindrop and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool
The sentence in bold is refering to targetting by ID explicitely and targetting by clicking on the (TB) minimap implicitely.

One could argue that targetting allied NPCs via the party list is a form of native targetting. But allies that are usually not added to the party list can not be targetted this way when playing in a client that has not been injected with for example TB. It is quite obvious how this benefits the players using such a feature.

In any case, this will/would not be punished retroactively for existing records nor ones posted before a decision is made.

Personally, I think we should continue to allow this feature as there are quite a few records already that have been using it (...without any1 speaking up) and it is different to targetting by ID / minimap in that the functionality itself is implemented in the game. I can see though how others would be in favor of banning this feature, so this is your chance to state your opinion.

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Re: Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by Sylars »

Ah yes, another completely arbitrary decision to be made for a category made out of purely arbitrary choices that make no sense. Just abolish the standard ruleset all together and only have Standard (currently called pure) and TAS. It would make things SO easy and they would make SO much more sense.

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Re: Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by Ether »

+1 marc

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Re: Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by Cruz »

As long as we're talking strictly allies I don't see a big problem with it.

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Re: Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by Sylars »

But what if it allows you to see Griffs health to quick target and heal them. I wonder if we should allow this tool assistance in a category not called tool assisted or if we should count it as tool assistance. It's a hard decision and can't make sense unfortunately. If only there was a way to decide on objective measures.

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Re: Adding NPCs to party list // rule against targetting in ways other than those provided by the game itself

Post by fox »

how can you possibly be okay with this? it makes no sense to allow npcs to be added to the party list in non tas runs

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