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K A O S Theory
Posts: 59
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Guild: A Diff One From 10min ago


Post by K A O S Theory »

So, since toolbox and other hacktools are such a point of contested debate, here is some info on how ArenaNet decided on things as legitimate :D

So, in the game, there is a client (you), that connects to a server (anet). And when you do any action in the game that requires the server to know what you are doing, you send packets, or blocks of information to the server to update things :D

Example of mousemove. gonpc and dialog packets:

When you do shit in the game, these packets that are sent to the server are the only things that anet sees and can do stuff with. So you may ask "WAI IS TEXMUD ALLOED?!?!", because they cant know any better if you have it or not since its only clientside modifications, it does not send any information to the server :D

As for tools that "emulate" packets to the server.
This most accurately states ArenaNet's official response to these things. They have stated these rules apply to GW1 as well.

SO, one player input per game action, so count "A" the amount of inputs you have to put in to do something, then count "B" how many inputs does it take to do that action with said tool? if A > B then u are entering naughty zones ;O

There are worse naughty zones:

travel to doa from lions arch: 3/4 game actions per 1 input (la->kama->gate of torment->doa / embark->abbadons gate->doa vs direct travel)
Quick take quest: 2-3 game actions per 1 input (amount of clicks it takes to get thru dialog bullshit to get quest
running a bot script: INFINITE game actions per 1 input (press the go button, nigga will run forever)

using pcon popper: INFINITE game actions per 1 input (at least until your inventory implodes)

food for thought maybe :D

Also, sploits are bad kids.

Wanna keep shit simple? Keep all records 100% vanilla, no modifications. Or say fuck it and tell ppl to do w/e they want, grey areas are carcinogenic. Or just let runs be runs and let ppl decide if its shit or not, who needs a site to say its valid or not ;p


But dude anet doesnt care about shit anymore LOL
Your parents likely dont care about what u do anymore either :/, its up 2 u to keep up yur habits to keep yourself/your community healthy :D

why do you give a shit? you dont SC xD
bc GW pvp is beyond saving and all the other GW endgame communities died, I have to give a fuck about someone ;/

but wheres yur records lol u know nothing
i hold records for lack of bullshit toleration

beyond the FAQ things, fite me in the comments below

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Re: Hi

Post by Karia »


Eva is impressed
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Re: Hi

Post by Eva is impressed »

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Re: Hi

Post by livia »

I don't think I can trust someone that post an image of number that seem really complicated.

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Re: Hi

Post by haskhasin »

I looked at Anet's gw2 policy before. It's interesting how under those rules minimap (and targeting) would be allowed while auto pcons would not. Really puts things into perspective.

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Re: Hi

Post by Jang »

The targetting function make your gameplay more accurate which is not allowed according to the gaile gray post. That being said who really gives a fuck what anet says. The EULA etc. has been ignored for years up to a point where it's a little bit ridicolous to use Anet statements to prove your point. In the recent discussion that goes for both sides.

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Re: Hi

Post by haskhasin »

Jang wrote:The targetting function make your gameplay more accurate which is not allowed according to the gaile gray post. That being said who really gives a fuck what anet says. The EULA etc. has been ignored for years up to a point where it's a little bit ridicolous to use Anet statements to prove your point. In the recent discussion that goes for both sides.
oh you're right. and yea i dont think we care.

K A O S Theory
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Guild: A Diff One From 10min ago

Re: Hi

Post by K A O S Theory »

- Living in grey areas in regards to tools/macros is a good way to split an already dying community.
- Going for full tools is a great way to permanently throw a giant bar gate to new sc'ers who dont have knowledge or connections to be able to play on the same level as you.
- The first public botting api's were created to destroy the elitist pvp community at the time (and I have proof of this if someone thinks this is bullshit), just look into teamquitter now, and see that this did their job nicely. Don't let toolbox become the SC equivalent of this, if it hasn't already.
- ANet's policies were made to allow for a fair playing field for all players, maybe take some pointers from that? The game is all grown up now, and daddy arenanet cant police us anymore, up to you to make responsible decisions to stay healthy.

Hope that was easier enough to digest. But hey you guys do you

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Re: Hi

Post by haskhasin »

I would totally agree with the purist idea if records didn't require maintaining every pcon in game

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Re: Hi

Post by Kaspar »

So what you're saying is that if I change toolbox to need three actions to send a quest dialogue, everything is gucci for anet?

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