Records Rules

Post content relevant to Guild Wars. This includes, but is not limited to: screenshots, guides, tutorials, questions & answers, etc.
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Joined: Thu May 31, 2012 6:03 pm

Records Rules

Post by haskhasin »

Post a new thread to share records with the community!

Post rules

1. Records are recognized in one of three sections: Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions/Vanquishes/other. Post in the appropriate section and check the section-specific rules.

2. State the category, time achieved, party size, and area completed in the title of your thread. If you want the record to be attributed to a guild, also include the guild tag.

3. Records require videos being uploaded to either youtube or twitch. Other video hosts are not acceptable. Records must be contained within 1 single video file; separated videos for 1 PoV of 1 record will not be accepted.

Record Rules

1. Records are based on trust. Do not attempt to fake screenshots or videos, any team attempting to fake a record will have its members banned from any future record.

2.1. Minute based timing: For a record to be valid the time must be faster than or equal to the current record displayed on the main page. Time is determined by the in-game /age command. The /age command should be visible and clearly readable in at least one video or screenshot. Some missions are an exception to this rule; check the Mission Record Rules for details.

2.2. Second based timing:
2.2.1. The ultimate truth for timing records in a second based environment is video time, from the first frame of the initial loading screen until the first frame in which the area has been completed (as defined in the respective posts for the different record types). This time will, under most circumstances, be matched pretty closely by toolbox's "Real-time timer" for which second decimals will be released soonTM. We will under most circumstances take the time given by a 3rd party timer at face value - this can only be done if a timer is used that shows at least 1 decimal. Video time being the ultimate truth also means that records can be timed without the use of a 3rd party timer, and also that in case of any doubt about ingame timers, the fallback method of evaluation will be video time. If you as an individual feel a record that is timed via a 3rd party timer should be evaluated again via video time, please speak up in the respective thread or contact a moderator in private. Records can be timed based on video time without giving a reason.
2.2.2. The video for a second based record must include some frames of the previous area, the full loading screen when zoning into the first area of the run, the frames in which the objective is completed and everything in between. If that is not the case, then there will be a flat addition of multiple seconds to account for this and to discourage not providing appropriate videos. If you feel this is unfair or too severe, ensure that you provide proper video coverage as required. We will:
a) add 3 full seconds in case the loading screen is only partially visible in the video and
b) add at least 5 full seconds in case the loading screen is not visible at all in the video, depending on how far the run seems to have progressed before video coverage started.
2.2.3. If a record uses a 3rd party timer but does not provide proper video coverage as described, times will be rounded up to the next full second. In addition, further time punishments as discussed previously might be applied if anything about the missing part of the video is questionable within reason. If you as an individual feel this is the case, please speak up in the respective thread or contact a moderator in private.
2.2.4. Times will be determined with precision up to 1/10 of a second. This is done by subtracting the start time from the end time and then flooring the result to the first decimal. To avoid discussions about milliseconds, you need to be at least 1 full second faster than the previous record to remove it from the table. Otherwise, both records will be listed.

2.3. Further clarifications on timing methods:
2.3.1. A second based record will not automatically be eligible for the minute based tables. You will still need to comply with the traditional requirements to have your record listed there. A minute based record can pretty much always be converted into a second based record, even though you might suffer from some time punishment if your videos do not comply with the requirements for second based records.
2.3.2. Moderators should not discuss timing deviations of 100ms or lower when there is no imperative reason to do so.
2.4.3. The video of someone intentionally slowloading cannot be used for timing purposes.

3. Records are classified by their category and party size, determined by the number of players, including heroes and henchmen, entering the area at the start of the run. The party list must be fully displayed at the start of your run. No records will be accepted if someone else managed to accomplish it with less people, and achieving an equal or better time with a smaller party size will replace an existing record.
Records with the same time in different categories can coexist. This means that there can be a PURE and a TAS record with the same time at once. A TAS record cannot be slower than a PURE record, but a PURE record can be slower than a TAS record and still be shown on the tables.

4. The area must be fully completed, in the same run. Check each section (Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions) for details on completeness.

5. Records must be performed in Hard Mode.

6. Records posted in the [PURE] category have to provide full video coverage (= every single member needs to provide the video of his point of view in full length), TAS records need one video in total. All required videos have to be public.
If a player needs longer than 15 seconds to connect, it is considered an intentional slowload.
6.1 Posting for [PURE] records also must include all POV's on original post. Any altering or editing of the original post will result in immediate Rejection. This also includes missing POV's, and/or leaving "VOD's coming soon" messages.

7. If you wish your record to be displayed in the current-meta table, you must show your F11 window at some point in the video. It is also possible to provide a screenshot of F11 done before the run, or a screenshot of F11 after the run but still in the same instance. Those screenshots must show /age.

8. The use of third party tools is prohibited by the EULA, and not endorsed by GWSCR. In the TAS category records will be approved even when 3rd party tools were used.

9. Records are separated into the two categories PURE and TAS.

-no tools are allowed at all (not even modifications of textures), with the one exception of a simple in-game timer showing only instance time (e.g. no urgoz door information).
-coindrop (preventing enemies from using abilities by dropping items or spawning agents rapidly) and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool. The original exploits regarding coindrop have been patched, you may drop coins or any other item for any reason other than to prevent enemies from casting completely.

-all tools are allowed
-coindrop (preventing enemies from using abilities by dropping items or spawning agents rapidly) is not permitted, even when done without a tool. The original exploits regarding coindrop have been patched, you may drop coins or any other item for any reason other than to prevent enemies from casting completely.

Before May 29, 2021 there was a third category called STANDARD between PURE and TAS, in which some tools were allowed and others forbidden. With the GWSCR 2021 vote, it was decided that the STANDARD category should be removed (see: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2730). Existing STANDARD records were reclassified as TAS. You may no longer post records in the STANDARD category.

Have fun, and good luck!

Posts: 1377
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:23 pm
In-game name: Hi Im Undercover
Guild: Golt

Re: Records Rules

Post by Flo »

EDIT 2019-09-01

Previous: 3. Records require videos
New: 3. Records require videos being uploaded to either youtube or twitch. Other video hosts are not acceptable.

Posts: 1377
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:23 pm
In-game name: Hi Im Undercover
Guild: Golt

Re: Records Rules

Post by Flo »

EDIT 2020-12-22. Backup of old post for reference before adding second based records.


Post a new thread to share records with the community!

Post rules

1. Records are recognized in one of three sections: Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions/Vanquishes/other. Post in the appropriate section and check the section-specific rules.

2. State the category, time achieved, party size, and area completed in the title of your thread. If you want the record to be attributed to a guild, also include the guild tag.

3. Records require videos being uploaded to either youtube or twitch. Other video hosts are not acceptable.

Record Rules

1. Records are based on trust. Do not attempt to fake screenshots or videos, any team attempting to fake a record will have its members banned from any future record.

2. For a record to be valid the time must be faster than or equal to the current record displayed on the main page. Time is determined by the in-game /age command. The /age command should be visible and clearly readable in at least one video or screenshot. Some missions are an exception to this rule; check the Mission Record Rules for details.

3. Records are classified by their category and party size, determined by the number of players, including heroes and henchmen, entering the area at the start of the run. The party list must be fully displayed at the start of your run. No records will be accepted if someone else managed to accomplish it with less people, and achieving an equal or better time with a smaller party size will replace an existing record.
Records with the same time in different categories can coexist. This means that there can be a PURE, a STANDARD and a TAS record with the same time at once. A STANDARD record cant be slower than a PURE record and a TAS record cant be slower than a PURE or a STANDARD record.

4. The area must be fully completed, in the same run. Check each section (Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions) for details on completeness.

5. Records must be performed in Hard Mode.

6. Records posted in the PURE and STANDARD category have to provide full video coverage (= every single member needs to provide the video of his point of view in full length), TAS records need one video in total. All required videos have to be public.
If a player needs longer than 15 seconds to connect, it is considered an intentional slowload.

7. If you wish your record to be displayed in the current-meta table, you must show your F11 window at some point in the video. It is also possible to provide a screenshot of F11 done before the run, or a screenshot of F11 after the run but still in the same instance. Those screenshots must show /age.

8. The use of third party tools is prohibited by the EULA, and not endorsed by GWSCR. In the categories STANDARD and TAS records will be approved even when 3rd party tools were used.

Records are separated into the three categories PURE, STANDARD and TAS.

-no tools are allowed at all (not even modifications of textures), with the one exception of a simple in-game timer showing only instance time (e.g. no urgoz door information).
-coindrop and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool

-some tools are allowed while others arent
-allowed: any modification of textures, health trackers, distance trackers, hotkeys for items, auto-pcons, bond monitors that only shows bonds but dont let you interact, hotkeys to send chat commands
-not allowed: aggro trackers, macros that execute multiple keypresses (for example emo bots), bond monitors that let you interact with the bonds, movement macros, sending dialogs, other forms of targetting other than those given by the game itself (for example targetting by id), targetting agents that could not be targetted without a tool (for example gitb), ruptbots and tools to hit skills (for example overload), auto-rezzscrolls, auto-mobstoppers, tools that shows the area on which you can and can not walk on, tools that show where you placed your soh / your recall target is located, tools that show which direction enemies are facing, tools that let you mark spots on the minimap permanently
-coindrop and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool

-all tools are allowed

Have fun, and good luck!

Posts: 1377
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:23 pm
In-game name: Hi Im Undercover
Guild: Golt

Re: Records Rules

Post by Flo »

EDIT 2021-06-06. Backup of old post for reference before removing the STANDARD category.

Post a new thread to share records with the community!

Post rules

1. Records are recognized in one of three sections: Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions/Vanquishes/other. Post in the appropriate section and check the section-specific rules.

2. State the category, time achieved, party size, and area completed in the title of your thread. If you want the record to be attributed to a guild, also include the guild tag.

3. Records require videos being uploaded to either youtube or twitch. Other video hosts are not acceptable. Records must be contained within 1 single video file; separated videos for 1 PoV of 1 record will not be accepted.

Record Rules

1. Records are based on trust. Do not attempt to fake screenshots or videos, any team attempting to fake a record will have its members banned from any future record.

2.1. Minute based timing: For a record to be valid the time must be faster than or equal to the current record displayed on the main page. Time is determined by the in-game /age command. The /age command should be visible and clearly readable in at least one video or screenshot. Some missions are an exception to this rule; check the Mission Record Rules for details.

2.2. Second based timing:
2.2.1. The ultimate truth for timing records in a second based environment is video time, from the first frame of the initial loading screen until the first frame in which the area has been completed (as defined in the respective posts for the different record types). This time will, under most circumstances, be matched pretty closely by toolbox's "Real-time timer" for which second decimals will be released soonTM. We will under most circumstances take the time given by a 3rd party timer at face value - this can only be done if a timer is used that shows at least 1 decimal. Video time being the ultimate truth also means that records can be timed without the use of a 3rd party timer, and also that in case of any doubt about ingame timers, the fallback method of evaluation will be video time. If you as an individual feel a record that is timed via a 3rd party timer should be evaluated again via video time, please speak up in the respective thread or contact a moderator in private. Records can be timed based on video time without giving a reason.
2.2.2. The video for a second based record must include some frames of the previous area, the full loading screen when zoning into the first area of the run, the frames in which the objective is completed and everything in between. If that is not the case, then there will be a flat addition of multiple seconds to account for this and to discourage not providing appropriate videos. If you feel this is unfair or too severe, ensure that you provide proper video coverage as required. We will:
a) add 3 full seconds in case the loading screen is only partially visible in the video and
b) add at least 5 full seconds in case the loading screen is not visible at all in the video, depending on how far the run seems to have progressed before video coverage started.
2.2.3. If a record uses a 3rd party timer but does not provide proper video coverage as described, times will be rounded up to the next full second. In addition, further time punishments as discussed previously might be applied if anything about the missing part of the video is questionable within reason. If you as an individual feel this is the case, please speak up in the respective thread or contact a moderator in private.
2.2.4. Times will be determined with precision up to 1/10 of a second. This is done by subtracting the start time from the end time and then flooring the result to the first decimal. To avoid discussions about milliseconds, you need to be at least 1 full second faster than the previous record to remove it from the table. Otherwise, both records will be listed.

2.3. Further clarifications on timing methods:
2.3.1. A second based record will not automatically be eligible for the minute based tables. You will still need to comply with the traditional requirements to have your record listed there. A minute based record can pretty much always be converted into a second based record, even though you might suffer from some time punishment if your videos do not comply with the requirements for second based records.
2.3.2. Moderators should not discuss timing deviations of 100ms or lower when there is no imperative reason to do so.
2.4.3. The video of someone intentionally slowloading cannot be used for timing purposes.

3. Records are classified by their category and party size, determined by the number of players, including heroes and henchmen, entering the area at the start of the run. The party list must be fully displayed at the start of your run. No records will be accepted if someone else managed to accomplish it with less people, and achieving an equal or better time with a smaller party size will replace an existing record.
Records with the same time in different categories can coexist. This means that there can be a PURE, a STANDARD and a TAS record with the same time at once. A STANDARD record cant be slower than a PURE record and a TAS record cant be slower than a PURE or a STANDARD record.

4. The area must be fully completed, in the same run. Check each section (Elite Areas, Dungeons or Missions) for details on completeness.

5. Records must be performed in Hard Mode.

6. Records posted in the PURE and STANDARD category have to provide full video coverage (= every single member needs to provide the video of his point of view in full length), TAS records need one video in total. All required videos have to be public.
If a player needs longer than 15 seconds to connect, it is considered an intentional slowload.

7. If you wish your record to be displayed in the current-meta table, you must show your F11 window at some point in the video. It is also possible to provide a screenshot of F11 done before the run, or a screenshot of F11 after the run but still in the same instance. Those screenshots must show /age.

8. The use of third party tools is prohibited by the EULA, and not endorsed by GWSCR. In the categories STANDARD and TAS records will be approved even when 3rd party tools were used.

9. Records are separated into the three categories PURE, STANDARD and TAS.

-no tools are allowed at all (not even modifications of textures), with the one exception of a simple in-game timer showing only instance time (e.g. no urgoz door information).
-coindrop and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool

-some tools are allowed while others arent
-allowed: any modification of textures, health trackers, distance trackers, hotkeys for items, auto-pcons, bond monitors that only shows bonds but dont let you interact, hotkeys to send chat commands
-not allowed: aggro trackers, macros that execute multiple keypresses (for example emo bots), bond monitors that let you interact with the bonds, movement macros, sending dialogs, other forms of targetting other than those given by the game itself (for example targetting by id), targetting agents that could not be targetted without a tool (for example gitb), ruptbots and tools to hit skills (for example overload), auto-rezzscrolls, auto-mobstoppers, tools that shows the area on which you can and can not walk on, tools that show where you placed your soh / your recall target is located, tools that show which direction enemies are facing, tools that let you mark spots on the minimap permanently
-coindrop and slowloads are not permitted, even when done without a tool

-all tools are allowed

Have fun, and good luck!


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