Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Befi »

you are retarded

but its a nice way for doing every record twice or even three times...
good you guys always find a way to keep playing records ;)

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Nika »

this community is kinda retarded.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Karia »


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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Sakura »

well i must say the map is op in some area, cause even if you dont use the target function you can see enemies much further then with normal mini map. As i showed once in FoW to Nika, that you can manipulate the enemies walk/spawn with simply the way how you trigger the enemies, so if you walk at start of fow to a special point of the map you can make the enemies stuck in the rock above, that is only possible at that 1 spot (if you solo but in duo or more ppl you must walk special what doesnt matter atm). Now to the point i wana point at it is, that the caster spawn known as 10 casters is also able to manipulate with the trigger method and also only possible with the mini map, cause you can walk there and avoid to trigger them ( just be in range you dont see them). means if you look at the big ass circle on map and you walk exact on the right wall befor bf you can make them spawn always on left what makes bf never fail, that means you can avoid something you cant really avoid in a normal run and im pretty sure you can do that in other areas too that have rng spawns.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Jang »

If a record gets the same timing in tas, standard and pure does that mean standard is replacing tas and pure is replacing standard? On one hand that would make sense but then again for easier records (e.g. oolas) that would be some kind of a fuck you to whoever did them with tb because it wouldn't be challenging to beat them without.
Furthermore I think the 30 second split rule will in reality require everybody to record a video.
Let's take basic UW tactics as an example. T1+2 are splits without a doubt. t3+4 are technically just 1 split (or were until now) but they are not on eachothers video for almost the entire time so 4 videos so far. Emo and LT split at vale hill and uwg so 6 videos. And last but not least spiker and sos split at vale hill means 8 videos. And even if the vale split is somehow faster than 30 seconds this rule would require the recording vale guy to run behind his mate on the dhuum path which is stupid af.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Kaspar »

Everyone. Can. Record. Stop being retarded and record.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Misty »

Jang I'm pretty sure the rules mean you don't have to record so long as you're in COMPASS RANGE of someone who is recording. This definitely needs clarification though, because at least one of us has misunderstood.
Flo wrote:
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:56 am
Sadly, Misty is right.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Jang »

I think to be able to tell whether somebody is doing anything prohibited you have to see atleast the character, but yes clarification would be nice.

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Flo »

Ty Befi for the only decent contribution so far.

@Sakura Yes, pretty sure that was the reason for Marcin and Mike to vote "No". But I dont want to speak for them, so maybe they can explain...

@Jang @Misty Beeing on the compass is enough (so Mistys understanding is right). But honestly, just record...

@Kaspar Yes. I wish people werent too dumb to use the simplest recording programs...

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Re: Results of the vote: Ruleset-changes

Post by Jang »

Jang wrote:If a record gets the same timing in tas, standard and pure does that mean standard is replacing tas and pure is replacing standard?
This hasn't been answered yet. Do they replace eachother like equal times done with fewer people or are they completely seperated?

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